What is the cheapest Lexus vehicle available? The Lexus RX 330 is the cheapest available vehicle by average Cars.com listing price in Lexus's lineup, with an average listing price of $7,188.
Lexus has built a reputation for making reliable luxury cars. Naturally, that also makes the automaker a great used option, ...
After about six months I realized I was not happy in the Ford and wanted a Lexus again. The car is very comfortable. I'm 6'1 and have no issues in the fit in the drivers seat. I love the design of ...
This luxury hybrid SUV comes with all the bells and whistles, but doesn't come with a luxury price tag if you go the used ...
Lexus Cars Have Appeared In A Lot Of Films And TV Shows. Here Are Some The Automaker's Most Memorable Vehicles To Do It — ...
In the face of high new-car prices, tariffs, and inflation, buying a used model from a brand with a good reliability record can help owners save money on their next vehicle. “Brands like Lexus ...
Interested in buying a used Lexus NX? Visit our Used Cars For Sale pages to find lots of cars listed at great prices. Used Lexus NX models start at around £25,000 and, for that, you'll likely be ...