The Department of Defense will pay over $188 million to BAE Systems for 30 more Amphibious Combat Vehicles. 15% of the work ...
To crush drone threats. By efficiently managing target priorities, whether on the ground or in the air, the M3S2 enables ...
CINCINNATI (WKRC) - They're known as MRAPs, mine-resistant ambush-protected vehicles. The United States military pays ...
Stuart Wilson, founder of car restoration shop Velocity Restorations, knows something about that. Back in 2010, he rolled up ...
Booz Allen Hamilton is teaming up with another Silicon Valley-backed defense tech company to accelerate development of new ...
Ukrainian forces identified the location of a Russian marine workshop where enemy troops were reinforcing the armor of their ...
Falsifying results of the mandatory tests was a ‘widespread’ practice by the steel operator, an internal investigation found ...
The Amphibious Combat Vehicle, which is replacing an aging troop transport, had early struggles that officials say they are ...