However, as his vast armada sailed into the narrow straits between Salamis and the coast, they were met not by a fleet in disarray, but a well-ordered line of triremes, packed with Greek crewmen ...
Finding herself trapped between the deadly Greek triremes and the utterly bewildered Persian fleet, she determined to break out. Pursued by a trireme she calmly and expertly rammed a friendly ship ...
Greek warships had oars as well as sails. The largest warships had three banks of oars and were called ‘triremes’. A trireme needed 170 men to row it - one man to each oar. It was steered by ...
A new museum showcasing thousands of ancient archaeological artefacts found at sea will open next year at the Greek port of Piraeus near Athens ... from which its distinctive trireme ships would sail ...
Greek warships had oars as well as sails. The largest warships had three banks of oars and were called ‘triremes’. A trireme needed 170 men to row it - one man to each oar. It was steered by ...
Athens (AFP) – A new museum showcasing thousands of ancient archaeological artefacts found at sea will open next year at the Greek port of ... which its distinctive trireme ships would sail ...