If you have a palm tree either in your home or in your yard, it's essential to know how to properly care for it. Here's the ...
Horticulture Specialist Amanda Weidner of the Pueblo County CSU-Extension Office writes about planting trees and offers tips ...
How much water a crepe myrtle needs depends on whether it's a newly planted or established plant. Learn how much water crepe ...
Newly planted trees need more frequent watering while their root system becomes established. In dry weather, this means watering every few days for the first few weeks, gradually reducing to once ...
Set your drip system to water plants and trees once a week or less; they need much less water than grass. — Single-family homeowners can save even more water and reduce monthly bills by ...
That brings us to irrigation. What kind of irrigation will be available for your new tree? Automatic sprinkler system, drip irrigation, or will you be hand-watering? As a general survival rule ...