Transformation is a genetic exchange mechanism by which “naked” DNA is taken up by bacteria. This newly acquired DNA may include genes that enable bacteria to perform tasks that were previously ...
Plasmids naturally exist in bacterial cells, and they also occur in some ... introduced into a bacterium by way of the process called transformation. Then, because bacteria divide rapidly, they ...
Nanotube bridge networks grow between the most abundant photosynthetic bacteria in the oceans, suggesting that the world is ...
Prokaryotes, which include bacteria and single-celled microorganisms called Archaea, usually pass their chromosomal DNA on to their offspring asexually. In other words, a bacterial cell reproduces ...
Before we understood that DNA was the genetic code, scientists knew that bacteria transferred it between cells. In 1928 ... demonstrated that this transformation was mediated by DNA. Even dead ...
“It really does seem that human genome sequence data from somatic cells show signs of LGT events from bacteria, and so do cancer cells,” said Jonathan Eisen from University of California, Davis, who ...
How do bacteria—harmless ones living in our bodies, or those that cause disease—organize their activities? A new study, ...
Scientists at Caltech and Princeton University have discovered that bacterial cells growing in a solution of polymers, such as mucus, form long cables that buckle and twist on each other ...