Victorian Premier Jacinta Allan announces a policy to supercharge townhouse development — the government's next pillar of its housing policy with the aim to relieve the state's housing crisis.
Neighbours in one state will lose the right to appeal townhouse developments up to three storeys, in a push to get more young people into Australia's tight housing market. Continuing her housing ...
"We're going to be the townhouse capital of Australia," she said on Tuesday. It hinges on a new building code, called the "Townhouse and Low-Rise Code", which the government says will fast-track ...
Victoria’s opposition has savaged Jacinta Allan’s push to make the state the “townhouse capital of Australia”, accusing the Premier of stripping residents of housing choice and councils of ...
A push for townhouses on farming land in a small country town has been rejected after an outcry by locals, but new homes will be built. Housing Minister Nick Champion has approved a rezoning ...
Neighbours in one state will lose the right to appeal townhouse developments up to three storeys, in a push to get more young people into Australia's tight housing market.