Spring weather is here and there’s no-bunny better than Tim Hortons to help you get into the spirit of the season!
Amid the patriotic fervour whipped up by tariff and annexation threats from U.S. President Donald Trump, the debate over ...
One woman is considering taking legal action after she found this inside of her iced coffee from Tim Hortons a couple of days ago.
At John Street S. and Jackson Street E., the body of water has for years formed with the spring thaw and during downpours ...
Naren Patel opened the new Tim Hortons inside the Golden Bear Shell @ Jackson Hills market on Golden Bear Gateway. It's the first Tim Hortons franchise open in Tennessee, according to Patel.
Renovations will take a few months, including a double lane drive-thru outside and a new dining area inside. Mushtaq said his company has an agreement to open 10 Tim Hortons locations in Delaware ...