Between the lungs and in front of the heart sits a small gland called the thymus that wields incredible power over human health by producing T cells, key components of our immune system.
A gland is an organ in your body that makes and releases substances such as hormones. The thymus gland is part of our lymphatic system. It’s involved in the development of a type of white blood cell ...
Over time, due to a combination of genetic, lifestyle and environmental factors, the effectiveness of the immune system diminishes. — Fewer immune cells. During aging, an organ called the thymus ...
Dr. Jarrod Dudakov studies how the immune system naturally recovers after damage, such as from common cancer therapies like chemotherapy and radiation. He uses mouse models to study the thymus, the ...
Between the lungs and in front of the heart sits a small gland called the thymus that wields incredible power over human health by producing T cells, key components of our immune system.
The team’s study results, published today in the journal Immunity, outline their discovery of a specific type of regulatory T cell that can home back into the thymus and repair the organ when it ...