Knock, knock! Who's there? Hugh. Hugh who? Hugh ready to giggle? We hope so, because you're in for the ultimate list of funny ...
“Who is that?” I asked and thus began the game of funny knock knock jokes for kids. Knock knock jokes can keep both adults ...
Knock Knock is the first Doctor Who adventure ... first time the famous wall has been mentioned in Doctor Who. In the show’s 30th Anniversary special, Dimensions in Time, the Doctor is trying ...
When a devoted husband and father is left home alone for the weekend, two stranded young women unexpectedly knock on his door for help. What starts out as a kind gesture results in a dangerous ...
There's nothing like a good, old-fashioned knock-knock joke to make people laugh. Whether you want to cheer up a pal, impress someone on a night out, or make your dating profile stand out ...
Kenyans have taken their crazy a notch higher with the latest wave of knock knock jokes. While knock knock jokes have been around for the longest time, Kenyans took them and put their own flavour ...