After five months, he slipped into what was thought to be a vegetative state. "The coma was not a coma because I was fully aware of where I was. I knew who I was, knew where I was. I could hear.
An American man has finally woken after spending nearly 20 years in a coma. The first word Terry Wallis, 39, uttered was "Mom" after catching sight of his mother sitting by his bedside.
A 60-year-old mother has tragically died after being in a coma for over 30 years following a car crash that killed her baby daughter. Luigina Brustolin, then 27, and her daughter Sara, 1 ...
Coma Regalia and Apostles Of Eris are prominent names within the screamo underground, and those are only the two most obvious acts represented in the new supergroup Coma Of Eris. The band’s ...
"And I know why — because how I did drugs [again] after [the coma]," he said. Disney When he claimed he's not sure "the person that went through the coma” was “even thinking" at all ...