In his profound wisdom, Jobs called us back to what truly matters. In the whirlwind of life and business, we’re constantly ...
A variety of AI services like ChatGPT can improve your business’s readability. Steve Jobs introduced the first Macintosh in ...
Steve Jobs, the visionary co-founder of Apple, was not only a tech innovator but also a lifelong learner who drew inspiration ...
"The time Steve Jobs was putting things off and noodling ... In his book, Daisley writes that another way to trigger divergent thinking is to go for a walk. "To be creative we need to let our ...
He was 56 years old. "There will never be another Steve Jobs," says Fred Anderson, former chief financial officer of Apple Computer. "Only he understood the soul of Apple and its innovative roots ...
The Apple cofounder got his first job on the factory line at HP, and said reaching out for opportunities is what ...
SAN FRANCISCO, CA – JANUARY 9: Apple CEO Steve Jobs holds up the new iPhone that ... I really don’t want you to be thinking, well, What would Steve do?’” says Ive.
A new online exhibition at the Steve Jobs Archive shows just how prescient the Apple founder's vision for technology really was. 40 years later, the original Mac is more amazing than ever The ...
Ive recalled Jobs saying, "When I'm not here, I really don't want you to be thinking 'well, what would Steve do?'" Yet despite the warning, Ive said he still finds himself asking that exact question.