The Shin Megami Tensei series is immensely confusing. Not even on the story or gameplay front, but in regards to actually ...
A third game could integrate some of the best features from recent entries. For example, the nuanced demon recruitment system from Shin Megami Tensei V. The game could also leverage modern ...
but its world might extend further than just a single game as director Katsura Hashino hopes it can become a series. Shin Megami Tensei and its now-more-popular offshoot Persona have been steadily ...
I played three 100-hour Atlus RPGs and I’m alive to sheepishly admit it (but only just). The first was Persona 3 Reload, the ...
To help you out with defeating the Shin Megami Tensei V Mephisto Boss, we’ve prepared this guide where we’ll be showing you the perfect strategy you can use to defeat Mephisto easily.