Time series of Sahel precipitation anomalies for 1960–2100 as simulated by eight coupled general circulation models of the global ocean and atmosphere. Precipitation is averaged over West Africa ...
Peace and security challenges in Africa’s Sahel region require ‘holistic approach’, says UN official ...
Lalu, pengungsi banjir sungai di wilayah Sahel dan kekeringan di Afrika Selatan menyebabkan lebih dari 30 juta orang mengungsi penduduk dan memperburuk kerawanan pangan di wilayah yang luas.
Through its technical cooperation (TC) programme, the IAEA is implementing a series of large-scale TC projects on water resource assessment and management in the Sahel region. The projects aim to ...
For well over a decade, jihadist violence has plagued the Sahel, a semi-arid belt stretching along the Sahara desert's southern rim from the Atlantic to the Red Sea. The violence, which started in ...
Terrorism in the Sahel has increased significantly, with deaths rising nearly tenfold since 2019, according to the Global Terrorism Index 2025, confirming the region’s reputation as the epicentre of ...