Rock salt, on the other hand ... Even 'pet-safe' ice melts can irritate skin, and they can even be fatal if ingested. Chrissie Handley says: 'Although ice melts are labeled as pet- and child ...
A national shortage of rock salt – a common product used to treat roads during icy weather – is causing issues across the winter-weary U.S. In New York, Gov. Kathy Hochul declared a state of ...
Himalayan salt, a mineral that has gained great popularity recently, is a type of rock salt of natural origin ... allowing the skin to absorb the minerals from the water. It is noteworthy that ...
Honeoye Falls, N.Y. (WHAM) — As winter weather blankets the region, neighbors and businesses are feeling the pinch of a rock salt shortage. Candi Fitzgerald of Honeoye Falls said she searched ...
If you have tried to buy rock salt and were told it’s sold out, you are not alone. Jessica Sherman said she is not a fan of the recent weather. “It’s horrible. It’s very nice out there ...
With heavy snow, rain and then ice earlier this week, around western Massachusetts and throughout New England, many store shelves are empty of rock salt or de-icer. Even municipalities are running ...