With cool-season vegetable crops going into the ground, many gardeners who ventured into cover cropping last autumn may ask a familiar question: What do I do now? Their crops have fulfilled their ...
Nitrate, pesticides, metals and plastic agricultural soils often contain pollutants. But are there sustainable and ...
Cover crop termination is not a one-size-fits-all process. Ohio farmers must consider their specific goals and available ...
The environmental disaster through which we recently lived is likely to be a harbinger of years to come. I say that because ...
For farmers trying to Flip their Soil and improve soil health one simple thing they can do this fall is plant cereal rye as a cover crop and plant soybeans into that stand. Soil health experts say ...
The second chart shows what Farm Journal Field Agronomist Ken Ferrie calls the opportunity cost — the difference in net profit over the two years that resulted from planting the cover crops and ...
A new program developed by The Ohio State University is working to put farmers first in agricultural research and practices.
Insecticides may help growers hoping to protect their crops from harmful insects, but they also may contribute to a larger amount of some weeds, according to a new study.
Colony Collapse Disorder never really went away; reports of widespread honey bee colony losses are increasing.
Exam Preparation Questions - Tillage: Leaving Cert Agricultural Science (Higher Level) – Tillage Questions 1.Outline three ...