This image shows Queen Arsinoë II in the Philae temple, Aswan, Egypt. Disclaimer: AAAS and EurekAlert! are not responsible for the accuracy of news releases posted to EurekAlert! by contributing ...
Philae above the first cataract was the great Ptolemaic ... the temple of Talmis (removed to Kalabsha), the kiosk of Kartassi, and the temple of Beit el Wali. At Aswan, numerous monuments testify to ...
His portrayals of ancient sites in Egypt — and Jerusalem, Baalbek, Petra and Arabia — were bound into volumes of lithographs ...
Continue south to Aswan, where the boat will moor for two nights. Visit the High Dam, the Old Granite Quarries with its Unfinished Obelisk, then take a motor boat to the Temple of Philae on an island.
DAY 4: PHILAE TEMPLE COMPLEX AND THE TEMPLE OF KOM OMBO Today, you will venture just past the Aswan Low Dam with a visit to the Philae temple complex. Situated on a small island, the complex ...
Philae above the first cataract was the great Ptolemaic ... the temple of Talmis (removed to Kalabsha), the kiosk of Kartassi, and the temple of Beit el Wali. At Aswan, numerous monuments testify to ...