Here are some cute and fluffiest cat breeds that look like cotton candy and can be a great partner to cuddle with.
This is true for humans as well as animals. As this Maine Coon cat showcases, her mix of intelligence and strength is unstoppable. Even if that means she has to use every millimeter of her body.
But have no fear, that can change! Look at the growth between a Pomeranian and his Orange Maine Coon Cat mix sibling. They certainly didn’t start off as besties. But over time the two have a ...
In this series, ST speaks to pet-owning personalities about the trials and delights of raising their animal companions. Read ...
The cats in the viral videos are pretty big, but if you do some background research you’ll find out that the biggest ever Maine Coon was called Mymains Stewart Gilligan and he was 48.5 inches long.