A truck driver lost control of a tanker truck carrying liquid manure on Tuesday, damaging a car and a yard, according to Pomfret Fire Department Chief Brett Sheldon. The fire department was called ...
The uses of livestock confinement systems and large capacity, on-farm, liquid manure storage facilities have become well-established practices throughout Indiana. The primary advantages of liquid ...
A decade ago, Suyono’s neighbors found his antics collecting the goat and quail droppings outside his home verging on the ...
They annually produce 1.4 billion tons of liquid and solid manure. Numerous federal and state studies have found that manure is responsible for much of the nitrate and phosphorus that contaminate Lake ...
Each fall after harvest, farmers pump millions of gallons of liquid dairy, beef and hog manure from storage basins and inject them into the soil as fertilizer for next year’s crop. When land ...
Hefner's swine farm, 3507 Washington Township Road 105, Dola, is seeking a five-year renewal for its operating permit from the Ohio Department of Agriculture, according to a press release. The ...
Flown by Adam Shanks, Agriculture & Natural Resources Educator, Purdue Extension – Clinton County The videos demonstrate liquid and dry manure application to compare performance and pinpoint ...