Lemurs are primates found only on the African island of Madagascar and some tiny neighboring islands. Because of its geographic isolation, Madagascar is home to many amazing animals found nowhere ...
“Adopting lemurs promotes illegal trafficking and further decimates the wild population,” Millman said. “Some people do breed them with permits in the U.S., but the demand keeps going ...
Given the threat to lemurs in the wild, it is essential to determine how human-induced habitat change is affecting their health. In 2003 a survey on the health and disease ecology of wild ring-tailed ...
The Duke Lemur Center has announced an addition to the family, a male born Dec. 19, 2024, to a breeding pair at the center. Baby Majorian is the third offspring of mother Lupicina and father Gabe.
They are an agro-pastoralist people who cultivate crops as well as breed livestock (Ratsirarson, 2003). They have cultural taboos against the hunting of both lemurs and tortoises (Ratsirarson, 2003) ...
To create their distinctive odour, male lemurs combine the strong but short-lived scent produced by their wrist glands, with longer lasting secretion from their shoulder glands. An action known as ...
Majorian, a male baby, was born Dec. 19, 2024, at the Duke Lemur Center in Durham. He is the third baby born to mother Lupicina and father Gabe, both part of the center’s conservation breeding ...