That men such as Kwasniewski and Mosebach now make the case for the Latin Mass is a sign of important changes taking place in the Church. The liturgical reform devised with modern man in mind is ...
In the last four years within Pope Francis's Church, a true crusade against the Latin Mass has taken place at any latitude.
By this they mean, another pathetic ode to the traditional Latin Mass, that unfailing attractor of curmudgeons and weirdos. It may feel as though accounts of the excellence of that Mass are issued ...
Una Voce BC was founded in 2011 by students for the purpose of fostering the use of Latin in Liturgy at Boston College. Re-established in 2018, we offer the Mass at Boston College in the Extraordinary ...
Latin Mass societies are looking at options to bring the “traditional” style back to Blair and surrounding counties after the Diocese of Altoona-Johnstown in July limited “old rite” Masses ...