The uppermost covering of the Mishkan, the mobile Tabernacle of the desert, was made from the colorful skins of the Tachash. The exact nature of this unusual animal is not clear.
one of Los Angeles’ largest distributors of kosher animal products, drives off, headed to Pico-Robertson to open his shop. Almost exactly one hour later, in the parking lot behind Doheny Meats ...
Former French actress and national sex symbol Brigitte Bardot is leading an animal rights campaign against ritual kosher and halal methods of slaughtering animals. PARIS (JTA) — Former French ...
Meat from animals that had been stunned by any means, including electricity, prior to their slaughter cannot be considered kosher, he said. The court declined JTA’s request for comment.
Therefore, Kosher diet foods include restrictions on certain types of animals and food combinations. The diet rules also ...
Therefore, kosher products are often perceived as higher quality, even by those who do not observe kashrut, the Jewish dietary law according to the Torah. This dietary law specifies which animals ...