Korean cuisine and food culture, known as 'hansik' in Korean, is gaining global popularity. This surge is driven by frequent ...
One thing that stands out is the fitness of these K-pop stars. From running across a city to combating villains with swift moves, the actors keep you hooked to the screen. Take a look at the diet ...
The 4th Generation K-pop idol, IVE’s Rei opened up about her strict diet routine. Her fans wondered why she needed this.
An Park, an 18-year-old student in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea, has been on a “water diet” for nearly a week. During this time, she has consumed nothing but water, salt and some ...
Shopee Korea, the largest e-commerce platform in Southeast Asia and Taiwan, said Korean diet supplements and other food items for weight loss assistance were among the top three best-selling products.