Katie Smith went from Logan High to Ohio State to pro basketball in the ABL and WBNA and US Olympics team. Here's a look at ...
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O hio State University’s women’s basketball team has made significant moves to bolster its coaching staff with the addition of two highly accomplished former players Katie Smith and Jacy ...
You work hard as a parent to give your child everything you can, but sometimes it’s hard to know what they are going through or how to help them. You don't have to figure it out alone.
Katie Smith is one of the Columbus area's best-known basketball players. She gained recognition for her talent while at Logan High School, leading the Lady Chieftains in the Ohio Division I ...
In my work with clients my goal is to create a safe space where you can express yourself without judgement. I approach therapy as a space where we work together as a team to help you achieve your ...
Dr. Smith focuses her practice on treating a number of clinical issues including: anxiety disorders (generalized anxiety, social anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and specific phobias ...
Dr. Friesen Smith has 25+ years of experience in the local church, higher education and camping ministry. As a practical theologian, she seeks to create a bridge between Scripture and living out faith ...