Jessica Eastes was a cardiac nurse when she learned she was in heart failure and would need a transplant to survive.
Due to the weather, the Heart Half and 15K Heart Mini will have an hour delayed start of 8:30 AM. Steps for Stroke will remain at 10 AM. All other events will be pushed back by 30 minutes. 5K Heart ...
Half-an-hour of moderate activity five times a week can halve the risk of heart disease, health experts claim. People should stop feeling guilty about not going to the gym when simple activities ...
The start of Sunday's St. Elizabeth Healthcare Heart Half and 15K Heart Mini have been delayed by an hour. Races will now begin at 8:30 a.m. Sunday.
“She essentially has half a heart,” Hickey explains. “These are some of the most extreme transplants in terms of risk and complexity. In all the databases and registries, this category of ...