Turns out, the bacteria in your gut have food preferences of their own. Here’s how a colorful plate feeds the bacteria that ...
There are tons of vegan fast food breakfast items out there - if you know where to look. Here's how to eat plant-based for ...
A plant-based diet can make it tricky to hit your protein goal. Here's the low-down on protein-rich foods for vegans.
Experiment with spices and herbs to recreate the familiar flavors of your favorite comfort foods. And for those who enjoy a good baking session, consider making homemade vegan cookies, brownies ...
Many go vegan to spare animals; the diet doesn’t just cut out meat, like a vegetarian one, but nixes all animal sources of food, including eggs, dairy and honey. <!-- /wp:paragraph ...
It must be acknowledged that being shamed for what you’re eating by a smug vegan is not everyone’s idea of a good time. We all know someone who brings up their virtuous eating plan within the first ...
But vegan ultra-processed foods are still lower in fibre and inherently ... high-sugar drinks that are nutritionally nowhere near as good,” says Susan. But if you were vegetarian or vegan ...
ST. LOUIS – Murphy Lee of the St. Lunatics and his wife, Seviin Li, have been living a vegan lifestyle for over a decade, and now they want to share it at the FamLee Vegan Kickback! 314 Day Week ...
It freezes brilliantly and makes the perfect vegan comfort food. Each serving provides 470 kcal, 16g protein, 61g carbohydrate (of which 15g sugars), 16g fat (of which 2g saturates), 8g fibre and ...