Supporting the effort is easy: customers can purchase specially marked orange bags or contribute cash donations in-store or online via Food Lion To Go. Customers can also use the digital keypads ...
In November 1992, two ABC News producers obtained jobs at Food Lion grocery stores in North and South Carolina by submitting applications with false references, misrepresenting their educational and ...
hief executive officer of the Salisbury, N.C.-based chain, told investors at the Piper Jaffray Conference that Food Lion is putting more emphasis than ever on responses it receives from both ...
In support of Supermarket Associate Day on Feb. 22, Food Lion Feeds is helping to provide 250,000 meals to its longtime partner Feeding America, the nation’s largest domestic hunger-relief ...
Supporting the effort is easy: customers can purchase specially marked orange bags or contribute cash donations in-store or online via Food Lion To Go. Customers can also use the digital keypads at ...