Millions of years ago, a band of intrepid iguanas boarded a floating vessel, and reached the remote Pacific island chain.
In Navala you'll experience real Fijian culture, local hospitality, and the warmth of the nation. Read more: The 29 Most Beautiful Temples In The World To get to Navala you can take a minibus from ...
At the Malolo Island Resort, guests can see an authentic meke performance, a traditional Fijian tradition that combines song and dance to tell stories about the island’s history, culture ...
How Bringing Fijian Culture to the Fore of its Tourism Brand Transformed the Fortunes of a Nation. In Fiji tourism constitutes almost 40% of GDP and pre-Covid employed approximately 35% of the ...
Recent visitors said the museum is well done and gives a great overview of Fijian culture and history. Several lauded the on-site gift store. As an added bonus, the museum is easily accessible on ...
The Department of Culture, Heritage & Arts is developing Fiji’s Cultural Statistics Framework. Dr. Janesh Sami and Laisiasa Corerega have been appointed as lead consultants, following the signing of ...
Pacific Harbour will be a hive of activity when Nanuku Resort host their Beach Market, a celebration of Fijian culture, ...