Dinosaur Discovery Site is starting a new dig in an area where dinosaur bones were previously found, and experts hope it will ...
Scientists have discovered South Africa’s youngest known dinosaur tracks along the remote coastline of the Western Cape. The newly identified footprints, estimated to be around 140 million years old, ...
Step into a land before time with the Jurassic Explorers ... which will feature a variety of life-sized dinosaurs that move, breathe and roar. From a 28-foot-long Triceratops to 1,300-pound ...
Asked what makes wealthy guys obsessed with dinosaurs, O’Dowd replied, “They’re powerful. And they were the rulers of the land.” Though O’Dowd is passionate about his multimillion-year ...
The new Argentine dino might give us clues to what the world was like before the asteroid wiped out their kind.
Learn about the largest dinosaurs that ever roamed the Earth, including titanosaurs such as the Argentinosaurus and ...
Some of these giant vegetarians were as tall as a 3-story building. Microscopic analysis of their teeth, bones and eggshells reveals how they grew, what they ate and even their body temperature.
"During the Mesozoic, mammals were small," University of Georgia Odum School of Ecology professor John Gittleman said in a ...