You can handle 20 to 30 percent more weight in the eccentric portion of a lift than the concentric, Escalante says. Taking ...
The glutes are the muscles that make up your backside and butt. They're one of the main movers in a deadlift since they're ...
Mirroring these movements in your workouts will ensure you can do them safely, without the risk of injury, in real life.
The chest-loaded good morning not only yields strength benefits but is also perfect for novice lifters learning how to ...
For the sake of this discussion, let's focus on the most prevalent variations of each movement: the conventional barbell deadlift and barbell back squat. The barbell deadlift is a hip-dominant ...
Throughout the movement, be sure to keep your spine straight and your hips square. A deadlift is one of the best weighted ...
A fitness expert says these are the three best longevity exercises to help you live a more active, longer life ...
To prep your body for a deadlift, Wentz recommends activating your glutes and hamstrings, since your goal is to use your glutes, quads, and hamstrings for the movement (you don’t really need to ...
The deadlift is a go-to exercise to help with this. But this compound movement isn’t the easiest to master. For starters, if you don’t have great hip mobility it can be difficult to get into ...
Everyday benefits aside, the squat, hinge, push and pull movements also feature heavily in powerlifting exercises (think the squat, bench press and deadlift) and Olympic lifting moves (the snatch ...