A stained-glass window, donated in 1877 to a church in Rhode Island, shows Jesus as a dark-skinned man. Most Western depictions portrayed him as a European, with light skin and sometimes even with ...
In the windows at the west end of the aisles of the nave are composite figures made of fragments of early glass. These figures are thought to represent St Edward and Edward the "Black" Prince. Around ...
For Houtkamp, stained glass is more than just imagery. He appreciates how the medium straddles both art and function, evolving throughout the day as the light shifts. Unlike paintings, which remain ...
Glass blowing developed around 1st century BCE in Palestine. Although the art of stained glass did not reach its height until Europe's Gothic Era, we find written descriptions of it dating as far back ...
Sam continued to hone her craft while raising her family in Minneapolis, where she also owned an art gallery, creating, repairing, and restoring stained glass pieces that were shipped stateside and ...
A luminous image depicting the Madonna and child against a backdrop of dark blue skies ... Lewis’ latest book, “The Stained Glass Window: A Family History as the American Story, 1790-1958 ...
Final Fantasy fan crafts a stained-glass Tonberry ornament with a swinging lantern for an upcoming convention. Despite being a scary monster, the Tonberry remains a popular art subject in the ...