A. A person should not stay from confession because he thinks he has no sin to confess, for the Sacrament of Penance, besides forgiving sin, gives an increase of sanctifying grace, and of this we ...
The priest must and does refuse absolution to a penitent when he thinks the penitent is not rightly disposed for the Sacrament. He sometimes postpones the absolution till the next confession ...
Regarding John J. Miller’s review of “For I Have Sinned” (Books, March 1), I date my lapse from Catholicism to a priest’s too-forgiving reaction to a confession I made at age 14.
Rev. Thomas Rausch, a professor of theology at Loyola Marymount University, told USA TODAY the installation is in no way a substitute for or equivalent to the Catholic sacrament of reconciliation.
The Hood River County Sheriff's Office has seized a station wagon believed to be connected to the Martin Family, who disappeared in 1958, and will now undergo a thorough investigation with assistance ...
What I said to the priest at my last confession is none of your business. It also wasn’t that interesting, so you didn’t miss much. In the usual way of this Catholic sacrament, it started with ...