1400s - The matchlock gun appears. Before the matchlock ... 1830 - The back action lock appears. 1835 - The first Colt revolver. Samuel Colt developed the first mass-produced, multi-shot ...
Moylan survived Custer’s Last Stand, his Colt cavalry model revolver by his side. "The gun is not only identified with the ...
and it is a lovely gun." Colt's Python is a double-action, single-action revolver with a six-shot cylinder chambered in .357 Magnum. As is typical with Colt's revolvers, cylinders turn clockwise ...
The guerrilla's principal weapon was the .36 caliber 1851 Navy Colt revolver. This gun was named for its inventor, Samuel Colt, a native of Hartford, Connecticut, who as a young man designed the ...
At a time of heightened awareness of the prevalence of firearms in American society, as there are almost daily news reports about the misuse of guns, there is something almost comforting to ...