Urine is usually clear and light yellow in color, but cloudy urine may be hazy or milky looking. Dehydration, an infection, and certain health conditions can all cause cloudy urine (pee).
In some cases, cloudy urine could indicate an underlying infection or health condition that requires medical attention. Cloudy urine often comes and goes without any obvious cause or reason for ...
Alkaptonuria is characterised by a black urine discolouration that has no cure Learn all about its causes symptoms diagnosis ...
Milky or cloudy pee is usually not much of a concern but it could signal a health condition, such as highly alkaline urine, kidney problems, or an STD. But milky urine also could just mean you're ...
If you notice red or pink urine without any dietary cause, consult your healthcare provider immediately. Cloudy or murky urine could be a sign of a urinary tract infection (UTI), kidney stones ...
The “classic” symptoms include a more urgent need to urinate, burning or pain when urinating, and cloudy urine, among others. But some older adults may not exhibit these symptoms, particularly ...