2. Aerate the soil ‘Aerating clay soil is essential for improving drainage and preventing water logging,’ says Gardenstone’s ...
Gardeners love loam soil because it's moist, soft and full of nutrients. Here's how to get more of it in your garden beds.
It is best to water strawberries early in the morning, giving the leaves and fruit time to dry off throughout the day. "This ...
CEC is the ability of soil to hold and exchange cations (positively charged nutrients). Higher CEC means better nutrient ...
In healthy soil, the particles are in clumps, with gaps between the clumps for air and water to flow. When those clumps get ...
If you have clay soil in your garden, you know how challenging it can be to work with. Clay-based soils retain moisture well, meaning they can be slow draining and compact easily. When clay soils ...
Soil moisture can significantly impact your home’s foundation. Here’s how Dallas soil testing can play an important ...
The capacity of soil to regulate the terrestrial freshwater supply is a fundamental ecosystem service. Water percolating through soil is filtered, stored for plant utilization, and redistributed ...
Sandy soil - feels rough and gritty when handled and will not form distinct shapes like clay. It usually has a sandy brown colour and is easy to dig over. Water-logging is rare on such soils as ...