The closest comparable deposit to Meteoric’s by global resource and grade is Viridis Mining and Minerals’ (ASX: VMM) Colossus ...
Meteoric Resources has updated the MRE for the Caldeira ionic clay rare earths project in Brazil by more than 50 per cent.
Taygeta Target overall recoveries: 33.8% Total Rare Earth Oxides (TREO), 34.5% Heavy Rare Earth Oxides (HREO), 60.1% NdPr and 37.3% DyTb. Merope Target overall recoveries: 29.0% TREO, 44.2% HREO ...
Overall desorption results from the entire drilled interval from 118 auger holes (Table 1 above) show a high desorption for targets Taygeta, Merope and Maia where the Heavy Rare Earth Oxides (HREO ...