Home-grown tomatoes can offer superb flavor and texture since they don’t have to withstand shipping or long periods of ...
Growing plants at home can be a challenge. Whether it’s frosty weather or garden pests like squirrels eating bulbs, achieving ...
These tiny tomatoes are a powerful addition to your backyard harvest. Whether cooked and tossed with pasta, marinated for ...
Discover the best time to plant tomatoes for a successful harvest. Learn about regional considerations, planting techniques, ...
Tomatoes are a favourite fruit to grow for British gardeners and there are many types they can choose from, but this one ...
Luckily, as long as you have one healthy cherry tomato plant, you can easily propagate more. All you need are some sharp shears, a glass of water, and somewhere to plant the tomato once it's ready.
Growing tips: Shoot for eight hours of sun, a consistent watering schedule and regular fertilizer. If you're growing in a pot ...
Tomatomania began in Pasadena 25 years ago and now features more than 180 varieties. The search for the ideal tomato is "like racehorse breeding," said Scott Daigre, the owner of Tomatomania. He ...
March is prime time for SoCal gardeners who love to grow tomatoes, with three specialty growers having pop-up sales of ...
We wanted to create a Best Buy for hydroponics,” says Feinglos, “and put it in the heart of the city, to show people how easy ...
Tomatoes, especially the indeterminate types ... Also, what is the name of this variegated plant with aerial roots? I have tried pruning it and redirecting the roots into the soil, but the plant ...