The SID chip was a complete synthesizer on a chip. These bits of silicon made the C64 the best selling computer of all time, but have also stymied efforts to emulate a complete C64 system on a ...
The chip inside the Uno isn’t a powerhouse by any means, and with only 2KB of RAM it’s far less capable than just about any computer from ... Due into a Commodore 64 emulator.
Juul breaks down the C64’s history into five eras: As an early BASIC computer to be used for mundane family activities and tasks Then as an in-home arcade machine Then as a tool to be broken ...
The August 1982 release of the Commodore 64 is historic, as Commodore's hit personal computer managed to be one of the best-selling PCs of all time — and, it turns out, this historic era of ...
Forty years ago, on January 6, 1985, the then home computer king Commodore announced the Commodore 128 at the “Winter CES 1985”. In the biggest boom in the computer industry up to that time ...
The Commodore 64 took CES 1982 by storm, promising a system that was considerably more powerful than anything offered by the competition while costing only $595, a price that reportedly bewildered ...