If you don't stop driving when you see a school bus with its arm extended, you'll face a $250 fine in Fairfax County soon.
Drivers ignoring school bus laws are not unique to Livonia, but parents and school bus drivers in the area told me they are ...
The remarkable number of tickets issued by Pittsburgh Public Schools to drivers illegally passing school buses demonstrates ...
As it prepares to change the name of every bus route it operates, Metro plans to begin replacing about 7,000 bus stop signs throughout the DC area on Monday.
The Pittsburgh Public Schools says from May of last year until the middle of this month, it has documented over nine thousand cases of people not stopping for a school bus with its Stop Sign arm out.
New videos recorded on Hillsborough County Schools buses show several drivers failing to obey school bus stop signs.
The Hillsboro Police Department is condemning any driver who ignore the stop sign on a school bus while children are loading or unloading.
WAUSAU, Wis. (WSAW) - The Wausau Police Department is reminding drivers of school bus safety after repeated issues of drivers not stopping for the red flashing lights and stop signs as bus drivers ...
Recent videos from new school bus cameras in Hillsborough County captured drivers blowing past buses that are stopped for students. In one video provided to us by the Hillsborough County School ...