You also can dine on fried grouper. Or pike. Or bluegill. Or frog legs, to name a few. And of course, the ever-popular lawyer ...
Erik Brost told the Daily Tribune he loves The Junkyard Bar & Grill's fish fry for the quality and quantity. He said the ...
Capitol Centre, 725 W. Capitol Drive, Appleton. The restaurant's Friday fish fry dinners include breaded perch, breaded or baked haddock, bluegill, scallops, walleye, shrimp, baked salmon and battered ...
Tribune asked readers to share their favorite fish fries in the Wisconsin Rapids area. These were their top choices.
You also can dine on fried grouper. Or pike. Or bluegill. Or frog legs, to name a few. And of course, the ever-popular lawyer (no joke). Plus, there's the variations on the fish fry theme ...
Erik Brost told the Daily Tribune he loves The Junkyard Bar & Grill's fish fry for the quality and quantity. He said the perch option is his favorite, with the bluegill coming in a close second.
The restaurant's Friday fish fry includes fried perch, pike, haddock, bluegill, shrimp and baked haddock and Cajun haddock. All dinners are served with coleslaw, rye bread and choice of potatoes.
Susan McDonald said she likes the baked and fried fish options ... Erik Brost told the Daily Tribune he loves the perch and bluegill, although there are many other good options for fish at ...