Bioinformatics scientists utilize new age computational tools to effectively intake, sort, and make sense of "Big Data" in the field of biology. Example Job Titles as a Bioinformatics Scientist ...
But because bioinformatics involves a complex intersection between computer science, math, and the biological sciences, it takes knowledgeable bioinformatics experts to transform that raw data into ...
Please include your CV (curriculum vitae / résumé) when you apply, showing details of a relevant postgraduate qualification in Life Sciences, such as Biochemistry, Bioinformatics, Biological Science, ...
The emerging field of Bioinformatics is an interdisciplinary research area that teaches you how to analyze large-scale datasets and apply that analysis to solve problems in a variety of professional, ...
Bioinformatics is a rapidly growing field with huge potential, both for those it promises to help, and for those who work within it. Adil Mardinoglu is an expert in bioinformatics, a professor of ...
The MS in Bioinformatics aims to train professional graduates for bioinformatics specialist roles in healthcare, biomedical research, pharmaceutical and biotechnology industries. This flexible, ...