Bent-over rows are unmatched when it comes to building upper-body strength. They're one of the best ways to target the often underused muscles in the back – but only if you get that bent-over ro ...
When you want to bulk up your back muscles, the one exercise that needs to be on your list is the bent-over barbell row. This exercise, which is a favorite of powerlifters, will also hit your ...
As barbell back exercises go, bent over rows are certainly up there. You can load up the bar and shift enough weight to build a broad, resilient and wide back, while also challenging your glute ...
Stand up straight, hold a barbell or dumbbells in front of you with an overhand grip. Raise weights vertically along your ...
We get it, your back may not feel as important as building massive arms or a bigger chest – after all it’s not the first thing everyone catches a glimpse of as you walk in the room – but if ...
If you want a bigger, stronger back, you need to row to grow. The bent-over barbell row, dumbbell row and seated row are the most popular variations you’ll see people doing in the gym.
Breathe deeply into the stretch. Why: As you’re working with a barbell, you should be able to shift more weight during a barbell bent-over row. Helping your recruit more muscle — and ...