An curved arrow pointing right. Petri Dish Picasso is an organization bringing this little-known art to the masses. The artists use bacteria as their paint and fungus as their canvas to educate ...
When her mother ran into trouble with a restoration project in Spain, Pilar Bosch, her daughter, a microbiologist, found an ...
In New Orleans, a Loyola University professor has been creating original art out of glow-in-the-dark fish gut bacteria, enough to fill 1000 Petri dishes. Her first major foray into art was ...
During three years of research and creative work, this art-science collaboration delved into the intricate movement of cyanobacteria. Espelie’s documentary focused on innovative ways to ethically ...
Then, the bacteria was left out at human body temperature for several hours to bring out the kaleidoscopic visuals when colour was added. The artwork is intended to reflect a thriving microbiome and ...