More than 13,000 service members were dismissed from the U.S. military under "don't ask, don't tell," according to the ...
More than 800 military veterans kicked out because of their sexual orientation during the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" era are to ...
Under “don't ask, don't tell,” thousands of service members had their military service terminated without an honorable ...
The change may give those former military members access to veterans’ benefits that had been denied because of their ...
The development Tuesday is the latest over the decades to undo past discrimination against LGBTQ service members.
More than 800 service members administratively separated from the military under the now-repealed policy will receive ...
An honorable discharge status unlocks access to critical benefits that some veterans may have been missing out on for decades ...
Washington — The Pentagon announced Tuesday that more than 800 military personnel have seen their service records upgraded to ...
The upgrades, issued by the Pentagon, apply to veterans who were dismissed from the military service under "Don't Ask, Don't ...
More than 800 records of service members who were kicked out of the military under the “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy were ...
This came after a review of the discharge status for those who hadn't applied for an upgrade and may not have known they ...
Under the policy, gay and lesbian troops could serve in the armed forces if they did not disclose their sexual orientation ...